Residents invited to join an independent police Community Scrutiny Panel!

Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire residents have a unique opportunity to participate in one of the countries best known and most successful police community scrutiny panels.

The Joint Protective Services (JPS) Scrutiny Panel is actively seeking new fresh faces and sharp minds to help oversee police use of force across the three counties. The JPS police unit is the area’s armed policing unit, road policing unit, and dog unit. The JPS community scrutiny panel plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and accountability in how the unit engages with members of the public.

Residents are invited to the next training session. The training will take place virtually on Wednesday 4th September 6pm to 8pm. Once trained residents can take part in the JPS scrutiny panel

Chaired by nationally recognised policing ethics advisor Montell Neufville, the JPS community scrutiny panel plays a vital role in promoting transparency and community trust. The panel is well known throughout UK policing for its diverse Representation:

The JPS scrutiny panel boasts people from a wide age range, with members spanning from 16 to their late sixties. The panel represents various ethnicities, genders, and professional backgrounds, including teachers, youth workers, plumbers, charity workers, lawyers, students, health professionals, accountants, office administrators, and businesspeople.

Montell said “We use a traffic light tool to evaluate police interactions. Green indicates positive outcomes, amber signifies areas for training or advisory, and red highlights areas needing improvement. Most interactions fall within the green category, reflecting the expertise of the officers we oversee.”

He added “Our panel reviews body-worn videos and police data to provide feedback to the police unit. My panel contributes to informed decision-making and accountability within the police units. We’re always seeking new members to ensure inclusivity across the entire region.”

What’s in It for You? There are some key benefits to the panel compared to other resident led police structures. Learn & Grow: Gain insights into the inner workings of local policing and how you can influence. Youth Empowerment: With members as young as 16, we’re a platform for the voice of the future.”

The JPS scrutiny panel is Innovation in action: Using the pioneering PLANTER system, written and developed by Montell himself helps to measure and ensure police encounters are fair, ethical and necessary. PLANTER is a national policing tool used across the country developed by Montell Neufville.

Having fair and effective policing is everybody’s business. You can make a positive impact. Your voice can shape the way policing is conducted in your area.”

Don’t just stand by—stand up, stand out, and stand together for a community where everyone is heard, and justice prevails. Join us in shaping the future of policing. Together, let’s build a safer community. said Montell Neufville, Chair of the Scrutiny Panel

To learn more or become a member, shoot an email to