Topcliffe Mill, Meldreth open in conjunction with National Mills Weekend

Topcliffe Mill in Meldreth will be open to visitors from 2.00-6.00pm on Sunday 14th May as part of National Mills Weekend.
The watermill is Grade II listed and is on a probable Domesday site. It operated until at least 1941. In 1942 the waterwheel was removed. However, an almost complete set of bins, three pairs of millstones and much of the machinery remain in the mill.
This is the first time the mill has been open to visitors since 2019. There will be a display of old photographs and historical information on the mill, its millers and its history on the ground floor.
Admission is £5 per adult. Accompanied children under 16 will be admitted free of charge; no unaccompanied children will be admitted.
All proceeds will be donated to Meldreth Matters, the village magazine.