Help shape investment plans for a low carbon future

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Cambridge residents are being asked for their views on what a major utility should invest in, to facilitate the green energy system of the future.

UK Power Networks, the company that keeps local electricity supplies flowing across the East, South East and London, is preparing its investment plans for the next decade and wants to make sure they reflect local residents’ top priorities.

The company, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this month, is asking peoples’ views on everything from electric vehicles to renewable energy like wind and solar. It is preparing a detailed business plan for submission to the industry regulator Ofgem, which will decide funding for the electricity networks for the period 2023-2028.

Ian Cameron, head of customer services and innovation said: “The next decade is a critical time for the transition to a Net Zero economy. Renewable energy, electric vehicles, storage technology and low carbon heating are all expected to come to the fore.

“Electricity networks have a vital role in facilitating this transition and we want to learn more about what peoples’ priorities are, what we need to do better and how people think we can deliver the safest, most reliable and lowest cost service while enabling Net Zero.”

To find out how you can take part in the survey, register here

Inside Cambridge | Cambridge Magazine